Black Girl Film School offers quality film production programs for females interested in a career in film and television. Their goal is to create more opportunities for young women to learn technical production skills from other women of color. The funding will be used to produce a video that shows what happens when you place a camera in a Black girl's hands and equip her with the skills and training to tell her own story.
Peerspace is on a mission to bring people together. We believe it is impossible to achieve that goal unless we also fight for equality and access to resources in the communities we serve.
Having a space to gather, create, and exchange ideas is an important part of any movement. In order to magnify voices that are often quieted, Peerspace will sponsor venues for people who challenge prejudice and fight for social justice and equality.
Each quarter, we will sponsor space for three projects that are relevant to our community. These projects can range from fundraisers and educational initiatives to art exhibits and photo series.